jack's taken a real liking to singing songs with hand motions. this is him singing row row row the boat:)
Friday, July 24, 2009
the kids love sunglasses:) they've started to notice that we always wear sunglasses when we're in the car, so the two of them, before crawling into their carseats, will hand jacob and me our sunglasses and tell us to put them on. well, they finally got some of their own! jacob says jack looks like a mini- terminator in his:)

Friday, July 17, 2009
jolly jumping sammy
sammy's finally old enough for the jolly jumper!! poor kid watches audrey and jack run and play and he's just stuck sitting in the bumbo. when we put him in the jumper, he just hung there, with this adorably confused look on his face. then audrey and jack came over and started turning him in circles. i had to stop them after a few minutes since sammy looked like he was going to hurl:)

audrey's been asking to go swimming for a week and half now, and we finally found a floaty that fit her. needless to say, she got overly excited about it;) this video clip is of her yesterday after i told her we would go swimming when daddy got home- this was her response anytime i said anything to her:)
audrey's pigtails

she finally has enough hair for me to play with!! she's such a big girl now! audrey actually kept the pigtails in and didn't yank them out right away. she kept saying "i so cute":) the ladybug floaty...jacob brought that home wednesday and she didn't take it off until yesterday after she went swimming. it's become her new best friend.
Monday, July 13, 2009

the kids have really started to interact with sammy more. they just love talking to him and making faces at him. he's much more interactive at three months than audrey and jack were and we think it's because he watches them run around and talk all day. he's really strong- jacob calls him mini muscle man- he's already rolling over onto his back:) he's such a cutie:)
canada day

canada day!! the city put on a HUGE celebration at the park, so we walked the kids over and had some good times in the kids' zone:) audrey spent most of her time on the kiddy moonbounce while jack went off exploring. he found an ice cream truck and was overly excited about that;) they had a blast and came home super tired and ready for a video:)
family day

our apartment complex had it's annual BBQ and picnic, so we made a family day of it. audrey's had a thing for peacocks ever since she read about them in a book, so we went to the petting zoo where they have one very lonely peacock, at the park across the street from us, the playground, and finished with the BBQ. the kids were soooo tired from all the playing it took them two days to recover. we learned that jack loves BBQs, but isn't very good at eating on the ground. he kept stepping on everyone's plates:) audrey ate a burger the size of her face:) jack just licked all the ketchup off his:) and sammy was just happy and content to watch the activity from his stroller while sucking his thumb. it was a really fun day with the kids!
they're just too funny:)
audrey's been spelling words for about a month and half now. we were finally able to video her spelling! she likes to "write" words with us on the doodleboard and say each letter. audrey's also come up with this new game where she walks backwards while she's upside down:) it's pretty funny to watch her manuver herself around things:)
jack's also potty training along with audrey. he loves to sit on the baby potty and ask for a "choco wee" (chocolate raisin):) it's become an unspoken rule that he has to ask for the chocolate raisin because it's just so funny when he says it:)
sammy's turning into a real chatterbox. he'll talk your ear off;) we try to get him to talk and laugh as much as possible since his laugh is just soooo cute!
jack's also potty training along with audrey. he loves to sit on the baby potty and ask for a "choco wee" (chocolate raisin):) it's become an unspoken rule that he has to ask for the chocolate raisin because it's just so funny when he says it:)
sammy's turning into a real chatterbox. he'll talk your ear off;) we try to get him to talk and laugh as much as possible since his laugh is just soooo cute!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
funny videos of the kids:)
i can finally post these videos!! audrey's really been in swimming lately and jack just loves to dance. his favorite dance song is the theme song to super-y. he'll just move and shake his little body to the beat while saying "he, he" ( hip hip hooray). sammy's starting to laugh and we try to make him laugh as often as possible since it's just sooooo cute to hear:)
Monday, July 6, 2009
it's just easier this way
well, i finally did it...i caved in and joined the world of blogging!:) it's just easier this way for people to access pictures of the kids. so, sit back and enjoy the world i live in- with three of the cutest little munchkins around!
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