Tuesday, September 3, 2013

great wolf lodge

our first family vacation!! the kids had such a fantastic time and they were amazing! no complaining, fighting, arguing, or whining. it was as though the vacation fairies had granted jacob and me our wish- a perfect family vacation! the kids LOVED the hotel suite- we had the loft suite with two bathrooms out of necessity- but they loved the animatronic bear, moose, and tree the most. their favorite ride in the entire park? the frog slide. as jack said "you climb up the frog's bum bum and slide out his tongue! it's the funnest slide ever!"

lunch at burger king before the trip
we rented movies on the idevices. the kids timed the trip by how many movies they watched, which was one

they loved moose-y, bear-y, and tree-y
jimmy made himself right at home
audrey wanted to bring her sleeping bag. worked out well, each kid had a bed and jacob and i took the loft:)
bubble fun before breakfast!

jack turns in circles in his sleep. sammy doesn't move. 

summer 2013

we had a blast this summer! a full eight weeks of playing outside, playing inside, culminating with a week and a half with nana ou and aunt judy and three days at the great wolf lodge! at the beginning of the summer we bought the kids a water table, which quickly turned into a bubble table when the kids "accidently" poured their bubble liquid in:) silly munchkins. labor day weekend found us a the mall where audrey got her ears pierced (gasp! when did she get that big??!!) and outside, of course, bike riding and getting drenched with the hose- jimmy's favorite activity:) the best part of summer was watching the kids bond with each other. every single day was a play day with peals of laughter and nonstop chattering coming from the playroom or their rooms. i loved every minute of summer. all the kids home, no schedule to follow, and lots and lots of family time. life doesn't get better than this:)