audrey's finally three!!! we always have to birthday celebrations- a party for friends and one for the family, with cake and presents. jacob's big on milking the one day a kid can be selfish:) we had a "scream for ice cream" party where five little kids made their own ice cream sundaes. in lieu of gifts, we had each child bring their favorite ice cream topping- there was a HUGE assortment. of course the most popular were the sprinkles;) afterwards, the kids ran out their energy with a round of head-shoulders-knees-and-toes, all the while unable to focus due to the mass amounts of sugar coursing through their little bodies! jacob and i were pretty disappointed when all the parents showed up on time to pick up their kids. we all had a fantastic time!

audrey with her sundae- she opted for every topping!
left- right- jack, audrey, morgan, eddie, and cole

audrey with her cake:) in our home, the b-day kid gets the remainder of the cake after everyone has a slice:) yum!

audrey with her presents- she's nutso for wall-e, so we gave her her three favorite characters. she also got a baby alive with a doctor's kit, so she spent a week playing doctor:)