tis summer and the time for music festivals! this year, diana krall and tony bennett toured together for one night at the black creek music festival- yea!! i've wanted to see diana krall live for years, but she never toured in an area close enough to where we live. jacob insisted we go and it was a wonderful early anniversary date with my loving husband of eight years. diana krall had her set first, and it was amazing to watch. she didn't have a list- she just played until a song came to mind. she would improve in between numbers and the improve would lead to the next number. she had her trio of bass, guitar, and drums with her and the connection between the four of them was astounding. with a glance they were able to communicate which song it was and who's turn it was to improve for how many counts of four. then came tony bennett, who i've seen before, but is just as fantastic as ever. unfortunately, we got rained out- the york university rexall centre is an outdoor theatre. i didn't care- i got to see diana krall in person:)