we had a blast this summer! a full eight weeks of playing outside, playing inside, culminating with a week and a half with nana ou and aunt judy and three days at the great wolf lodge! at the beginning of the summer we bought the kids a water table, which quickly turned into a bubble table when the kids "accidently" poured their bubble liquid in:) silly munchkins. labor day weekend found us a the mall where audrey got her ears pierced (gasp! when did she get that big??!!) and outside, of course, bike riding and getting drenched with the hose- jimmy's favorite activity:) the best part of summer was watching the kids bond with each other. every single day was a play day with peals of laughter and nonstop chattering coming from the playroom or their rooms. i loved every minute of summer. all the kids home, no schedule to follow, and lots and lots of family time. life doesn't get better than this:)