Sunday, December 20, 2009

family visits

nana, aunt judy, and uncle richard came for a visit over thanksgiving...the kids had soooo much fun!! they took to everyone faster than we thought they would, but they looooooovvveeed uncle richard- especially jack. that was due to the fact that uncle richard not only let jack play with his laptop, but also handed jack his cellphone to play with. then he found some wiggles' videos for jack to watch. in jack's mind, uncle richard is the coolest person in the whole world. audrey was so infatuated with him, that on the last day, she only wanted uncle richard to take her out of the carseat and hold her hand while walking:) after everyone left, audrey told me to go to the airport and get "nana, aun ju, and unc rich" so they could come and play:) i think audrey wanted to walk with nana to the mall again- she suckered nana into buying everything she asked for:) i'd say the visit was a HUGE success considering uncle richard was on his mission when jack and sammy were born:)
sammy and aunt judy
celebrating nana's birthday- the kids were overly excited for the cake- they love birthday cakes:) jack started eating the cake before it was cut:)
playing with uncle richard's computer
making gingerbread houses with aunt judy- it was pretty for about 5 seconds. then the kids ate it:)
"helping" nana open her birthday presents- jack found where i hid them and kept asking to open them the entire week before nana came. when the time came to finally open them, he was all over it. christmas is going to be epic.

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