Wednesday, May 19, 2010
i was cleaning up dinner tonight when audrey suddenly said, "look mommy, sammy take off his diaper- he need a bum bum change!" i looked around, and sure enough, sammy had taken toff his diaper and was running around naked. when i told him it was time for a bum change, he said "nooooooo" and ran off in the other direction, laughing the whole time:) jack and audrey can't even take off diapers yet, how can sammy?:)
Friday, May 14, 2010
just jack
by request of nana ou, here are some pics of just jack:)
watching little einstein VERY intently:)
watching ironman:) he somehow got off the ball by himself!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
mother's day
this mother's day was the first time audrey sang in church with the primary and she gave her first talk in primary!! she had been asking me for weeks if she could give a talk, so i talked to the primary presidency about assigning her a talk. they usually ask for volunteers during closing exercises, but by then, audrey's so tired she's oblivious to everything happening around her. when they asked her the previous week, she thought they meant right then, so she climbed up the steps to the podium. we had a really hard time convincing her that she had to wait a week:) we prepared her talk- i can repent- for FHE and wrote down everything she told us. we were so proud of her!! she wasn't scared at all and asked jacob to help her with the talk. she stood up there, spoke clearly into the mike as she repeated the talk she had written- "“Repent means to say sorry. We say sorry to show love to other people. Jesus Christ teaches us to show love. I can show love to my family and friends when I repent and say sorry.” the primary presidency made a HUGE deal about the fact that that was her first talk ever, but i think audrey was just happy she got to talk into the mike AND got a sticker:) she makes us detach the flexible showerhead from the pipe and uses that as a microphone:) but, what made this day so much better, was the outfit audrey chose to wear- her favorite "hawaiian tiki princess dress", her new rain boots, her favorite star tights, and NINE hair clips. she stood out so much when the primary was singing to the moms- she was the only sunbeam who went up and about halfway through belting, she realized where she was, stopped singing, and started turning in circles so she could see the other kids. i was playing piano, so i didn't get to watch, but jacob said it was pretty funny to watch her turn in circles:) oh, to be a sunbeam!!
Friday, May 7, 2010
my favorite part

every night when we put the kids down for bedtime, we always ask what their favorite part of the day was. jack's reply is always "eating hotdogs and noo-noos(noodles)":) tonight, when jacob asked audrey what her favorite part of the day was, her response was "looking at the strawberries and blueberries on the computer." every friday morning i check our grocery store flyer for sales and strawberries and blueberries were on sale. this was 12 hours before her bedtime and that was audrey's favorite part of the day:) funny what kids remember:)
Monday, May 3, 2010
audrey and jacob were playing on the mini-golf course one day when she saw someone practicing putting. the man was nice enough to let her use his putter and taught her how to hit the ball into the hole. she decided it was better to just put the ball right at the edge of the hole and then hit it:) i found some plastic golf clubs at a dollar store, and audrey's been golfing ever since. we can't go outside everyday, but i made some little bridges and stuff with megablocks. she had a great time hitting the ball under the bridge- it took her about ten minutes to hit the ball through:)
brushing teeth
audrey, jack, and sammy love to brush their teeth! everytime the resist, jacob opens his mouth and shows him all the "bugs" in his teeth- and he has a LOT:) they've recently started doing the whole routine by themselves- turning on the water, opening the toothpaste tube, rinsing the brush- everything! it's made mornings and bedtime a lot easier now that they're more independent. we just ask them to line up at the sink- even sammy lines up! he'll walk over to the bathroom saying "ahh" and make a toothbrush motion with his finger:)
jack loves superheroes, much to the delight of jacob:) jack caught me watching the ironman 2 trailer one day, the one with the suitcase suit, and he was glued. he kept asking for "more robot man":) i told him that ironman has laserbeams that come out of his hands and feet and jack just loved it. so i downloaded some clips on the ipod for him. then jack discovered that he had an ironman action figure! he spent an hour watching the same 1 minute clip of the ironman suitcase suit, while posing his action figure and copying the sound effects:) jacob was thrilled! so i started downloading stuff from youtube with as many cartoon theme songs as i could find- batman, xmen; i also found the opening sequence to the old spiderman cartoon and now jack makes me sing the spiderman theme song every night before bed:) he's still partial to batman, though, which makes me happy:) he insists on wearing his batman jammies every night:)
the box
sammy loves to explore. he just walks around the house picking things up and moving them around. he especially loves the pantry where we keep most of our canned items. he loves taking out the boxes and looking inside to see if anything will taste good. one morning, while sammy was going about with his usual meanderings, we heard this loud scream come from the kitchen. we ran in and found him sitting in the box that usually holds the pasta:) we had to stop and take a picture before we helped him out- that just made him madder, but the pic come out even funnier:) no idea how he managed to take the box out and then just happen to trip and fall into it sitting down:)

nathan and becca had a surprise visit out to brampton last weekend, and the kids had a blast with their cousins. i tried to explain what cousins were, but audrey and jacob gave me such blank stares that i told them friends were coming over to play. that sparked their interest:) when becca arrived, we took all six kids downstairs to the playground where they ran in circles going up the ladder, down the twisty slide, and chasing each other:) then we lured them indoors with the promise of chocolate cake, pizza, and a movie. that made them all really happy! they all stayed up waaaaayyy past their bedtimes, but the four older ones were having such a wonderful time together that we just didn't want the fun to end. after jack went to bed- he was practically falling asleep on the couch- we moved audrey, ellia, and annorah into the big bed where they got to watch lilo and stitch, while being tucked into bed. we thought they would doze off- they decided to jump and play instead:) at one point, i checked on the three girls and audrey told me,"mommy, i playing with my friends!" about half an hour later, she told me, "mommy, i sit on the potty and my friends go home now":) i think that was her way of telling me she was done playing and ellia and annorah needed to leave:) so, she went to bed, but ellia and annorah got to read stories with uncle jacob before they left:)
watching yo gabba gabba and dancing along
pizza and a movie- they all wanted to sit on the same side:)
jacob and simeon- before we had kids, babies would take one look at jacob and burst into tears. now that we have kids, jacob figures he's in the club and babies just love him:)
watching the beginning of lilo and stitch- jack's about to fall asleep:)
watching the rest of lilo and stitch in the big bed- some girly time after jack went to bed;) doesn't annorah look like little cindy lou who with her hair like that?
just like daddy
audrey and jacob have always had similar sleeping styles- on the tummy, completely covered in blankets to the point of being drenched in sweat, with both arms tucked under their tummies- but the similarities didn't really hit me until i took these pics:)
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