Monday, May 3, 2010


nathan and becca had a surprise visit out to brampton last weekend, and the kids had a blast with their cousins. i tried to explain what cousins were, but audrey and jacob gave me such blank stares that i told them friends were coming over to play. that sparked their interest:) when becca arrived, we took all six kids downstairs to the playground where they ran in circles going up the ladder, down the twisty slide, and chasing each other:) then we lured them indoors with the promise of chocolate cake, pizza, and a movie. that made them all really happy! they all stayed up waaaaayyy past their bedtimes, but the four older ones were having such a wonderful time together that we just didn't want the fun to end. after jack went to bed- he was practically falling asleep on the couch- we moved audrey, ellia, and annorah into the big bed where they got to watch lilo and stitch, while being tucked into bed. we thought they would doze off- they decided to jump and play instead:) at one point, i checked on the three girls and audrey told me,"mommy, i playing with my friends!" about half an hour later, she told me, "mommy, i sit on the potty and my friends go home now":) i think that was her way of telling me she was done playing and ellia and annorah needed to leave:) so, she went to bed, but ellia and annorah got to read stories with uncle jacob before they left:)

watching yo gabba gabba and dancing along
pizza and a movie- they all wanted to sit on the same side:)
jacob and simeon- before we had kids, babies would take one look at jacob and burst into tears. now that we have kids, jacob figures he's in the club and babies just love him:)
watching the beginning of lilo and stitch- jack's about to fall asleep:)
watching the rest of lilo and stitch in the big bed- some girly time after jack went to bed;) doesn't annorah look like little cindy lou who with her hair like that?

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