we finally had a chance to take the kids out for a rainy day that wasn't a huge thunderstorm or so incredibley windy that they would get blown over:) sammy refused to walk the entire time, but audrey and jack were so happy to splash in puddles and tramp through the wet lawn. the best was when we found a caterpiller:) the three of them were completely enthralled the fuzzy little critter, especially jack:) my biggest worry was that he would accidently step on it and then ask what happened:)
that teeny- tiny little line by jack's foot is the caterpiller:)

jack wanted to follow it around and then take it home with him. that didn't happen.
she's so tall now! we had no idea she could reach the lock until she started getting impatient with us:) she kept locking and unlocking the door. luckily, she can't go anywhere if she gets out- the elevator button is too high for her:)
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