we have four!! during the third trimester, we talked about richard and what it meant to have another child born into our family. audrey really liked talking about richard, and now that he's here, she's completely enthralled with him. she wants to help out with every aspect of richard. we think it's just wonderful as she does need to learn what being a mother is all about, so she shadows me and asks questions about everything i do for richard. everything about him is little- "mommy, he has little toes, and little ears, and little fingers":) i love having her follow me around, i love that she's so curious about richard, and i especially love that she asks questions. how else would she learn? jack and sammy like to bounce richard in the bouncer chair and every so often, jack will just stand and smile at richard and pat him on the head:) sammy actually said richard the other day! he was crying in the bassinet, sammy pointed at it and said "wichad":) anyway, here are some pics of the kids and richard with his eyes OPEN( he would not open his eyes for the first two days):)

he has chicken fuzz for hair! jacob fluffs it up as often as possible:)
look at the size difference between sammy and richard!
audrey's favorite place to watch richard

jack bouncing richard:)
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