we are constantly amazed at how observant and considerate richard is. whenever he sees koopa, monkey, or rawr lying around, he'll pick it up and hand it to the rightful owner. the other evening, while we were cleaning up dinner, richard came over and ewok- talked to me to follow him. he led me over to the doorway that leads to the playroom. sure enough, we had forgotten to put up the babygate. instead of attempting to go down the stairs, which richard can't do yet, he pointed at it and ewok talked again. he wanted me to put the gate up! he's amazing like that:) he'll put toys away, clean up laundry, and help unload the dishwasher. AND he knows where EVERYTHING goes!! hard to believe he's only 15 months!
he knows keys open doors |
unloading the dishwasher with mommy |
he LOVES mickey mouse. i took off his mickey mouse shirt and he cried. |
still doesn't understand the camera |
he built that tower all by himself! and posed for the pic afterward:) |
i love mini-richard's chubby little tummy! he is so cute!