Sunday, February 19, 2012

he's just soooooo cute!!

our kids are cute. people have stopped us at the mall, at church, at school just to tell me that the kids are cute. richard, however, is disgustingly cute. jacob's theory is that he wasn't actually supposed to be born- he's a cherub that fell through the cracks:)

we asked sammy to sit on the potty and richard went instead:)

this is how he poses for the camera now:)

1 comment:

  1. New theory on Richard: since we know Heavenly Father doesn't make mistakes, Richard coming to earth clearly wasn't an accident. So the most logical explaination for all his cuteness is that Heavenly Father couldn't get any work done ever since Richard took an extra long bath in the eternal vat of utter cuteness. So, He sent Richard down to earth for a while so He could catch up on some world-creating and such for a few decades. Unfortunately, He still doesn't get much done because He watches Richard here on earth as well.
