Sunday, April 14, 2013

spiderman sammy's birthday

sammy turned four on thursday and on saturday we had his birthday party, so it was pretty much three straight days of birthday for sammy. not that he minded:) he had school on thursday and he asked me to bake his favorite cookies- chocolate chip oatmeal. there were 22 kids in his class, so i figured three per kid meant i needed to make 66. i made 72 cookies in case some kids had more than three. turns out, thursday we were hit with a huge storm and only 11 kids made it to school that day. oh well. more for us!! then on saturday, we had his spiderman party. we hung laminated pictures of different spiderman villains from the playroom ceiling and gave the kids dart guns to shoot them with. we had eleven kids all together and they ran and played and screamed and had a fantastic time:) sammy was a VERY VERY happy little birthday boy:)

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