Wednesday, June 12, 2013


i'd thought i would share a simple fact- my kids are adorable and i love them forever:)
first grade concert. she INSISTED upon wearing the tiara. at least it made it easier to see her:)
bat- kitty- girl

the left bunny slipper is missing and the right bunny sock is missing. she was happy with this combination of slippers though
new water table and sprinkler!
first lost tooth and visit from the tooth fairy who gave her "rectangle money":)
jack is so good at bike riding now!
big boy bed! these aren't the sheet he currently has now. the new ones are mario, of course:)

oh my goofy sammy boy!!
oh to be four again and wear all my favorite things as once- yellow shirt, yellow shorts, and black batman socks pulled all the way up. yes. he does leave the house like this, making jacob and me snicker in laughter every time we look at him

trying to "catch the sprinkler water"
nuts about noodles!
that mess of food was actually waffles, cream and strawberries. ew. 
keeping the water away from his cookie. very important job
he is obsessed with cars. 
batman potty training batboy
first chocolate pudding. love the beard
we left him alone for five minutes with the crayons. 
kid loves shoes
toy shark in one had, two cookies in the other
i have a shark, evil water. stay away from my cookie.
check out is alfalfa sprout. he twirls his hair in his sleep
i nearly died laughing when i saw this. 
sticker face!

1 comment:

  1. Audrey is such a big girl. Love that tiara :). Richard is huge- he is much bigger than I remembered. I <3 Jack. Sammy looks like Sponge Bob when he's dressed in all yellow. Jimmy is going to go bald if he keeps twirling his hair and you have to keeping cutting it out! I can't wait to see them !
