Monday, August 24, 2009
our new couch!
funny little monkey boy

they're playing pirate and looking through their "spotting scopes"- i was lucky to get this pic, they kicked me out of their room right after:)

jack really likes to brush his teeth. he'll carry the toddler toothpaste around and squeeze it onto his toothbrush. he says "eeee" and "ahhhh" and actually brushes! i think he brushes about ten times a day:)

it took him about fifteen minutes to figure out how to sit like this without falling off the chair in the process of turning around. he was so proud of himself afterwards. he kept saying "i di it"!

jacob came home wearing his hat and jack just took it from him, put it on and wouldn't take it off:) he loves his daddy. when jacob's home, jack just follows him around the place.

this is the aftermath of just one thin mint girl scout cookie- one very very happy little boy:)
our sunshine girl

this is audrey in one of three princess dresses courtesy of nana ou:) she loves this one- it has glitter on it and she thought they were little stars:)

audrey had a "fun visit" at the dentist- they have kids come in and introduce them to the chair and let them play with the equipment. they give the kids balloons and audrey would not put hers down...not even to go potty, we had to talk her out of sleeping with it:)

she was helping me tape up some letters onto the wall when she discovered that tape made a pretty cool belt :)

i taught her how to dance while standing on our feet...i love this pic of her and will be the first of many daddy-daughter dances:)

the kids have no bones in their little noses. i tried this and it's not as comfortable as the kids make it seem:)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
sammy's so cute
here are a couple of videos of sammy. the first is of audrey playing with sammy- peekaboo is her favorite game with him because she likes to make him smile:) the second is of sammy eating his fist bits of rice cereal. he got the hang of it pretty quick! he was holding the spoon by himself after the first few bites:)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
just can't get enough

the kids really crack me up:) the pic of audrey lying on jacob- it's this game she made up. she calls it "sleep on daddy" and everything comes off her bed and onto her daddy:) the pic of her with her hands in a bowl- she's helping me mix the gnocchi dough together. the pics of the kids with the doll strollers- they chase each other around the house with them. it's pretty funny, especially since jack likes to collect things along the way. one day he had roar (his lion), his sippy cup, blocks, the mommy duck, and sunglasses in his stroller. apparently, they needed a ride around the apartment:)
first bite
sammy had his first bite of rice cereal yesterday!! his reaction surprised us- it was the complete opposite of audrey and jack, but so in keeping with his personality. audrey wouldn't open her mouth, jack cried, and sammy just smiled:) after the first few spoonfuls, he decided that he wanted to hold the spoon, and that just amazed us. he actually was able to direct the spoon into his mouth! well, i guess we should have known- sammy's fingers are always in his mouth:)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
by request
so, apparently, someone said that i didn't post enough pics this time around (nana ou), so i'm putting up more, just for her:) the kids are so amazing...they just invent little games to play with each other. i asked audrey if she wanted a friend to come and play, and she told me, "no, i play with guy":) that made me so happy! they like each other! even better, they both like sammy! one of their favorite things to do is help us get sammy in the morning. they like to watch him in the crib:) life doesn't get much better than this

this last pic of jack- he's standing on the kids' potty, holding part of the vaccum cleaner as his "sword" and saying "argh":) very victorious:)

this last pic of jack- he's standing on the kids' potty, holding part of the vaccum cleaner as his "sword" and saying "argh":) very victorious:)
Friday, August 7, 2009
good mornings
we just love when sammy wakes up in the morning. he's so happy to lie in his bed, playing with his toys and talking until we get him:) he's so sweet
funny little weirdos
the minds of two toddlers are very fascinating:) audrey and jack come up with the strangest little games and they just laugh themselves silly at their goofiness. the first pic is going to take some explaining- we have a microwave stand that has a cabinet underneath. audrey was removing everything from it when she discovered that the shelf could also be a little hidey-hole for koopa and blanket. the next thing i knew, she was inside the cabinet:) she had stuffed herself into the shelf along with her precious toys. i didn't even say anything when i saw her. i just ran for the camera:) the second pic is of her and jack sitting in the bottom kitchen cabinets with their sunglasses. they were just talking to each other and rambling on about something hysterically funny. apparently, i wasn't in on the joke:) and then there's sammy, who's the smiley-est baby ever! this kid just never stops smiling!

our jack jack
i just can't stop myself from taking pictures! i think i make a mad dash for the camera at least every hour. the kids just crack me up:) enjoy the videos and pics! the first one is of jack dancing- it's at the very end of the song, but you'll get the basic gist:) he does this everytime super-y ends:) the second clip is of jack counting his toes in his bath. he knows his numbers, but they're all mixed up with letters, so it gets pretty amusing to hear him "count":)
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