they're playing pirate and looking through their "spotting scopes"- i was lucky to get this pic, they kicked me out of their room right after:)

jack really likes to brush his teeth. he'll carry the toddler toothpaste around and squeeze it onto his toothbrush. he says "eeee" and "ahhhh" and actually brushes! i think he brushes about ten times a day:)

it took him about fifteen minutes to figure out how to sit like this without falling off the chair in the process of turning around. he was so proud of himself afterwards. he kept saying "i di it"!

jacob came home wearing his hat and jack just took it from him, put it on and wouldn't take it off:) he loves his daddy. when jacob's home, jack just follows him around the place.

this is the aftermath of just one thin mint girl scout cookie- one very very happy little boy:)
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