sammy had his first bite of rice cereal yesterday!! his reaction surprised us- it was the complete opposite of audrey and jack, but so in keeping with his personality. audrey wouldn't open her mouth, jack cried, and sammy just smiled:) after the first few spoonfuls, he decided that he wanted to hold the spoon, and that just amazed us. he actually was able to direct the spoon into his mouth! well, i guess we should have known- sammy's fingers are always in his mouth:)
completely devoted to my kids and their funny little antics!
welcome to my world of love and laughter!
my kids are my sunshine- they make my days happy and bright:) i love taking pictures so i can treasure those spontaneous moments of mirth and folly:) my kids crack me up!
all about audrey
audrey's 6 years old!! she started first grade at a french immersion school and loves every minute. plus, she's taking the bus home, which made her love school even more! she loves to color and draw pictures and recently wrote a picture book about her turtle, koopa:) she becoming more social and overcoming her shyness outside of the home. ooh! i just love her!
top 5 favorite activities
pretending to be a cat/ dog/ alligator
running, running, and more running
writing her letters and numbers
top 5 favorite books
Disney Pixar Story Collection
Dragon's Pancake Breakfast
Otto the Cat
The Little Critter Collection
Too Many Cats
top 5 favorite foods
fruit- apples, grapes, strawberries, apricots
ice cream
macaroni and cheese
top 5 favorite shows
a bug's life
any max and ruby
clifford the big red dog
spongebob squarepants
treasure planet
top 5 favorite toys
koopa and blanket(baby)
the doodle board
the pirate ship and animals
the diaper box
Favorite Song(s)
Wheels on the Bus
Families Can Be Together Forever
You are My Sunshine
I am a Child of God
funny sayings
are you sewious
dat's yecious, mommy! ( that's delicious)
i need ham
i so happy
no no monkey, stay here ( always said to jack)
that weary weary so cool
you so funny
jack junction
jack's now the five year old! he started all day kindergarten this year and loves his friends and his teachers, ms costa who he calls "ms pasta". we were really worried that he would retreat into his imagination and be a bit antisocial, but he's made a wonderful group of friends. he's starting to write and read and, as always, share his delightful imaginary world with everyone:)
sammy's three! he's the big man of the house while audrey and jack are at school:) he loves to sing and picks up on tunes faster than any of the other kids. he also makes up his own words, which are hysterical. his favorite songs are "yellow submarine" by the beatles, "i've been working on the railroad, all the ding-dong day," and anything on the RM soundtrack. he's such a happy goofy kid!
top 5 favorite activities
exploring, moving things around
following jack and audrey around
having daddy swing upside
taking a bath
top 5 favorite books
any dora book
barnyard dance
from head to toe
i love you because you're you
things i like to eat
top 5 favorite foods
anything audrey and jack have
mac and cheese
top 5 favorite shows
audrey and jack
cat in the hat
curious george cartoon
ironman cartoon
thomas the tank engine
top 5 favorite toys
his stuffed monkey
his walker
fingers, specifically his thumb
the barn and animals
favorite songs
i love to see the temple
abc's/ chicka chicka boom boom
twinkle twinkle little star
families can be together forever
baa baa black sheep
funny sayings
adon (all done)
akoo (cold water)
haphapahap (help)
idi (i did it)
kee (cookie)
mo teese (more cheese)
nighnigh (night- night)
richard's room
richard is 2! he is such a wonderful little boy, learning new words everyday and being the kindest, sweetest big brother to jimmy. he's so patient with jimmy and helps him out however he can. richard loves to draw and creates a new masterpiece almost every minute. i can't get the markers out of his hands! he's a bunch of 2 year old cuteness!
jolly jimmy
jimmy is just my one year old cutie. i call him jimmy bean:) he still has his blue eyes:) he's been walking for a bit now and loves to follow richard around the house. he's starting to ask to be read to and loves his elmo sound book. the other kids are absolutely wonderful with him- patient and helpful, without any jealously, which i am so grateful for. he's the perfect final addition to our family:)
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