now that jack potty training, we needed audrey to start sitting on the big potty. she loves it, especially since she gets more chocolates for sitting on the big potty:) it all started when jack got two chocolate eggs one day, one for sitting on the potty and the second for actually peeing into the potty. audrey was only getting one, and she didn't think that was so fair. so, i told her that if she sat on the "big daddy potty" she could have two, too. ever since that day, she's been on the big potty every time:) she even flushes and puts her little potty seat and stool away:) of course, she's rewarded for this with THREE chocolate eggs:) life's pretty good when you're three:)

this is audrey showing me what "mommy and daddy do on the big potty":) after i took this picture, i laughed and laughed and laughed:) note the betty and veronica comic:)
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