audrey and jack love their doll strollers. we bought audrey's for her second birthday and jack liked pushing it around so much that we got him one, too. then they discovered they could sit in the strollers and push each other around or pedal with their feet. sammy thought that was hysterical and would follow them around:) now that sammy's starting to walk, he's shown and interest in the strollers, as well, much to the delight of the other two. they'll sit in their strollers and sammy will push them around. he can't steer very well, so they help by steering with their feet:) i'm just surprised sammy's strong enough to push jack! audrey's much lighter- sammy's already close to her body weight:) i guess sammy wants to pay audrey and jack back for all the stroller pushing they do when he's sitting in his big stroller:)
this is when we had one stroller- they took turns being pushed:) it was audrey's turn to sit:)
jack's turn:) audrey had a really hard time manuevering the stroller with jack in it:)
now, sammy's turn to push! sammy had a great time and so did the older two. audrey keeps asking sammy to push her in the stroller now:)
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