i am so behind on postings, it's embarrassing! in june we had two graduations- sammy from kinderkids and jack from senior kindergarten. sammy was the first of our children to actually participate in the graduation show at kinderkind; both audrey and jack refused and just sat there, pouting. i could empathize with the other parents whose kids didn't participate. sometimes they just don't want to. one little girl just kept wandering around picking up food and eating, occasionally walking into the middle of the circle of singing children. so funny:) richard and jimmy opted to stay seated at the lunch tables where they foraged food from the remaining treats at the table.

jack's graduation was a week before school ended, which confused jack greatly. the day of graduation, he walked up to his teachers and said goodbye:) he had a wonderful year this year and we've been so impressed with how much he's grown- our little boy who pouted the first day of school is gone and has been replaced by a more confident, imaginative, and creative boy who loves to ride bikes, read, and write. he was in full-day kindergarten and they had so many wonderful activities-mad scientists, pet day, field trip to the royal ontario museum, family pizza picnic day- there were days when jacob and i wanted to go to school with him:)